Changes to the rarity chart for BSC - v2. Possible VMU has been increased to max 400 on xen. network for all 3 categories.

03 Feb 2023, 21:07
Changes to the rarity chart for BSC - v2.0: 1. Possible VMU has been increased to max 400 on for all 3 categories 2. The Power value for Collector has increased by 4x. Why did we make these changes? Since Binance has a gas block limit of 140M the number of VMUs that can fit in a block is higher than on ethereum. It is better to give users the ability to encapsulate more VMUs if they so choose. We decided to limit it to 400 for safety reasons since the network parameters can change. Max VMU can change on if the network parameters do change in the future. For the Collector categorie the increased block limit will get an improved game theory if the gas block limit is taken into account. Since the code will be immutable it is necessary to make these changes now. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„