BSC low gwei minting. We discovered that some bsc xenfts on opensea were selling for a very low price.

13 Feb 2023, 06:16
BSC low gwei minting 🔥🔥🔥 We discovered that some bsc xenfts on opensea were selling for a very low price. After research we saw that these had been minted with a very low gwei - just above 1 gwei. So they are actually selling at a profit - for those who have minted them. Different nodes offer low gwei on BSC. We think they even offer it at a loss to attract users. This is one of those nodes below. You can try to switch to that RPC and mint with 1,05 gwei and it should work. We will continue to look into this. Please share information you find usefull. Going deeper into the gwei validator configurations for each chain is something we as a community should dive deeper into and map out the node differences within but also compare cross-chain.